Friday, June 28, 2013

On a rainy day ! ! ! :)

This post is a part of Write Over the Weekend, an initiative for Indian Bloggers by BlogAdda.

On a rainy day.... When I heard this topic I felt to write something poetic. I will share some sweetest memories with u On a rainy day......! ! ! ! ! ! !

On a rainy day ! ! ! to hide under a blanket with a pillow to cuddle .. wow !!

On a rainy day ! ! ! to have a cup of coffee with a romantic novel .. no words !!

On a rainy day ! ! ! to stand under a tree with her.. lovely !!

On a rainy day ! ! !
to have an ice cream.. iceyyyy !!

On a rainy day ! ! ! to watch the race of droplets at d window pane.. childish !!
On a rainy day ! ! ! to share a cup of coffee with her.. sweet !!

On a rainy day ! ! ! a long drive in bike, to the top of hill.. hmmmm !!

On a rainy day ! ! ! to dance in rain.. enjoyment !!

On a rainy day ! ! ! to pose for a lovely snap taken by lightening.. kiddish !!

On a rainy day ! ! ! to see a colorful rainbow.. pleasant !
On a rainy day ! ! ! to sail paper boats.. dreamer !!

And finally,
Rain, it is the shower of blessings from god. When it pours on you, welcome it with happiness :) On a rainy day ! ! !

First Goodies From #Twitter Contest

I started using Twitter just few days back. Today I participated in QuickHeal's Twitter contest and I won.:P I won T-shirt from QuickHeal. The contest was titled as #WithoutQuickHeal and the winner was based on the number of tweets per hour.

Twitter contests are really fun. It will make you really creative. We will be provided with 140 character space in Twitter and need to convey our message using that space. I love it and looking forward for more contests.

When I receive my goodies I will upload pics :P

Monday, June 24, 2013

My day @ Start-up City 2012, Silicon India

It was 22nd June 2013, myself and one of my college mate Satya, proved lucky enough to attended Start-Up City 2013 at Silicon India, Bangalore.

In fact we were clueless about the events included in Start-Up City 2013 .When we reached there we were provided with a route map to various auditorium. At each venue the topics discussed was different. Each of the topics was handled by expertise in that respective field. We decided to move to auditorium #1. The discussion there was about Internet, Mobile and E-Commerce. It was quite interesting and I gained some insights about the topic.

 After the speech got over we decided to move towards the stalls where Start-up companies were displayed. Once we reached there we realized that people standing next to us were top executives, people at stalls found us  new to this area and they never turned towards us. To hide our real identity (that we were jobless) and to make them talk to us, we decided to tell that we are about to start our company soon and we would like to hear some interesting ideas which will be helpful for it. And the idea turned-out fruitful people started exchanging their contacts with us.

I took this opportunity as a way to build up my career. I decided to collect as much contacts as possible so that I can find the best fit for my profile.

I was blessed enough to use this opportunity at its max. I got so many contacts. Now I feel more confident to start my dream company. And I really hope my dream will get converted to reality soon. 

My Experience @ Microsoft BizSpark

This is an old memory which I experience long back but it was my first such type of event. I was very excited to go there, it was like my dream to visit Microsoft campus. 

I know if I simply walk into Microsoft campus, even the security guards will not allow me inside, but that day every people in the reception was welcoming us with smile. Us I mean myself and my good friend went together, in fact he got my passed to entry for the event.

It was two days program and it gave me opportunity to learn many things. It was mainly about presentations about Start-up companies. First day the competition was between Start-ups in Bangalore and simultaneously the event was conducted in 10 different cities, winner from each city will be selected to present on the second day of event. 

I always had a dream of starting up my own company so going to such events helped me in learning many new things and also getting some ideas about business. I really loved the event. 

And the main thing was because of this event I became famous among my fellow mates. I was the only guy from my college who is attending such event and when I updated my status that I am going to Microsoft event people came flaunting behind me :P I had fun. I learned new things and that two days made a great change in my attitude and behavior  I learned how to network with people , met many new people and got their contact. That was a great day in my life. 

About My Blog

I am Arunraj R. 

This is my personal blog.  I have divided this into 4 sections.

 I am a PGDM graduate specialized in Marketing. I am interested in Marketing, and in this Blog I have include my learning's about marketing. You can also check about this blog at

Through this page I would like to share my personal experience. It can be interesting for some people and others may get bored. I will try my best to make it interesting. :)

You can stay in touch with me  at this page :)